Mediation is "a process in which the participants, with the support of a mediator, identify issues, develop options, consider alternatives and make decisions about future actions and outcomes." (The Australian National Mediators Standards: September 2007)
As an effective mediator, I do more than conduct a settlement conference. Effective mediation requires a thoughtful, proactive approach to working with the parties to resolve a dispute. Combining my legal expertise with over twenty years experience in mediation both as a mediator and representing parties, I have the ability and experience to facilitate the resolution of even complex disputes.
Working across cultures and faiths is one of my strengths. I have experience in mediating disputes involving participants from different cultural, faith, religious and language groups in our society.
I completed my mediation training at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, through the Australian Commercial Dispute Centre and LEADR.
For other than court ordered mediations, my mediation agreement is available here.